DERMAtology - the study of drag

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hello Sweeties!!!

I Prefer to BOTTOM
I care for you.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thanks again bloggers!!

Well thank you to all who did not vote for me, I truly appreciate it!

I am busy taking care of the boil I have on the back of my thigh, not fun and painful!! But I will still try and give you some Toby's dish....let's see.....believe me there is nothing dishy to say, except maybe that Shawn Kettering wants to lick my boil, I'm thinking he wants to lick more than my boil....bring it on sweetie!! Tonight is our cast party for Buddy, we are having crabs so if anyone wants to join in come on by and get some crabs, I'm sure there are several people who will give you some!!!

Tech week for Kiss Me Kate starts on Monday and don;t we all love tech weeks, I will try my best to keep it all together, but you know how I can get, but I am older and tend to let things happen. I'll let you know if anyone acts up.

Well thanks again bloggers and keep on dragging!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Blogger Contest

Thank you to all of you who did not vote for me. I was nervous about the first round of the contest. So I promised you some Toby's it goes.

Yours truly has been performing at Toby's with a nasty boil on the back of my thigh, if Mark had this I am sure there would be a picture of it, but I can't do that to you all....too gross. Well I went to the doctor on Thursday and she put me on 2 antibioitcs and took a culture of a smaller boil, it had spread, so I am still waiting for it to clear up. I have been in pain, but sweeties the show must go on as well as the waiting shifts, and we all know they are the most important things about dinner theatre. I have no other real dish, oh yeah I ate some of Judy Abrams chicken the other night, thats a no-no, I think it gave me the squirts, on no thats the spinach phunque!

I hope in coming days somebody at the theatre does something I can put on the blog. Sorry it isn't too exciting, sweeties. I did give myself a black eye, sort of....the headphones I wear in the show snapped on me and hit the bone right below my eye, so not only do I have a huge boil that hurts but also a black eye. I wonder if it's the theatre?

Till next time,

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Please keep me in the contest!!

Hello everyone,

I am so excited becuase this is my first posting on my new blog that was created for me! A special hello to my dear friend and pallbearer, Jennifer Dickison, I love you sweetie!!

Well I told you I will keep you up on the dish at Toby's, now I have to be discreet because in my older age I am not as gossipy as I used to be, welllllll, maybe a little.

First off Toby has announced her season in Columbia and Baltimore. So I said to my good friend and pallbearer, (more on that later), Jeffrey, aka The Pillsbury Dough Boy, let's sit down and cast the shows. We have not finished casting but we will keep you up to date. Of course Jeffrey has his share of leads, as does David James, but the big question is what does my future hold at Toby's, where the f... do I fit in. If anyone out there has idea what parts I will be playing please send them my way. Remember i never do chorus, so all you bitches out there don't get smart. Well, I do chorus but with a featured role, maybe.

Speaking of Jeffrey, he must be going thru some kind of mid life crisis. Let me explain, he gets upset when a particular boy in Kiss Me Kate, says he likes me better than Jeffrey, so Jeffrey buys him candy and bribe's the bitch into liking him better, can you believe that, of course you can. So now the dick dancer likes Jeffrey better, oh yeah he used to be a dancer at WET in DC, you know what I say to that....Atta Girl!!!

Well Jeffrey I'll have you know I can get those Patterson Park Boys that dance at the dick bar in Baltimore to like me better than you...Ha!!!
For those of you who know what I am talking about it's not the Atlantis, those closed that bar and put a straight strip club in it's place, yeah right, I could probably get more dick in their than those bitches who dance there....have you seen my show girl legs??
But a new strip bar for boys has opened up in Fells Point on Fleet Street I believe, Spectrum. I've only been there once....really.

Well thats all for now sweeties, keep me in the contest and I'll keep you up on all the gossip! Till next time!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hello sweeties!!!

Practice makes perfect!!
Just one of life's little lessons.
I care for you!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hello sweeties, welcome to my blog.

It's beautiful to be me!
I care for you!!
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